Decollete and armor: Two things… Compatible?
Any MMORPG can be reduced to a simple formula with a stretch: we fight enemies to get clothes that will allow us to fight stronger enemies. And so until the clothes or enemies end up. In particularly rare sets, it is just right on the main square of the game capital to show off – let everyone envy.
And, of course, artists who make up impressive outfits in what. Today we will talk about which games that are now wearing.
It's hard to find, easy to lose
► Everquest 2. Nothing special, rag like a rag. You can’t say that this is the most powerful of the existing mantles.
By and large, the equipment does not always consist of pants, shoulders and other items of a military wardrobe. IN Eve Online, Let's say we put on entire ships. And in World of Tanks – Tanks. But we can "put on" classes as in " Legend " or Firefall: changed the costume – and now you are no longer a doctor, but a "tank"!
A rare and expensive car in a complete kit, even at a distance inspires respect. And yet – the desire to tapping the head and take away! The situation is about the same with ordinary boots and ports. We start the game in simple models, but gradually our wardrobe is made increasingly luxurious. And valuable.
And not only in our eyes. The phrase Full Loot with a magnet attracts fans of profit and score fear on those who had to visit the skin of the victim. IN Lineage 2 There is always a chance that the clothes obtained by heavy work will fall off your digital corpse and get the killer.
► The Elder Scrolls Online. Lost pants? Wait for the scandal!
IN Ultima Online And the first version DarkFall Everything was even more severe: we resurrected almost naked, with a base knife and in rags. And everything that was with me remained to wallow at the place of death! Those who decided to delve into our beliefs received a red label, but who stopped such a trifle?
Little by little the games began to soften. Things became possible for a fee forever tied to yourself, as in Perfect World. IN Aion You can knock out a valuable thing from another player, but he will not lose it: the thing will just take you out of nowhere. And everyone is good.
Designature and twist
Once it is customary to meet on clothes, it is a sin not to use it. To hide the true essence of the hero with an atypical outfit, there may be a lot of reasons. Often insidious.
Lineage 2. The unsuspecting hero runs about his business, and then the player is naughty in a very decent equipment: “Hey friend, hit me slightly, I want to check the Bonus of the Bronus!"The hero is lightly knocking the" verifier "on the head … and gets the flag of the killer! After all, even a magician of the first level, a lot of first level, is not necessary. And from the corner his friends are already racing-"restore justice".
► Wildstar. You will want to tackle for weeks for the prospects to show off in such a suit? Maybe that's why the fate of the game did not set?.. ► The Lord of the Rings Online. The realities of the Middle -earth do not allow any liberties in appearance.
IN Everquest 2 Any clothing can be pulled "on top" of combat armor, if only it would fit the level and like. But there is a specificity, a shift in the descending: one who wears the skin can put on rags, but not in chain mail.
The slys actively used this. Sits, say, the killer in ambush and is waiting for easy prey. And what could be easier than filling up a “rag” magician, who has a couple of teak life? And now, barely on the path, the “dressing gown” will appear, the killer jumps, puts the blade in the back of the poor fellow … and attacks the thick layer of steel! Paladin, who threw a thin hoodie for the nozzle, the attack easily wraps the attack, but the failed killer will have to be hard.
► " Allods online ". High -level armor is impressive, but many still prefer starting suits: tunic, vests, straps with stars.
Sandals with socks
IN The Lord of the Rings Online With clothes is simple. You go through a difficult test – you get a tooth, you go to the merchant and change it to the little thing. In each period of time, there are only a couple of sets of clothes that strive to get high -level characters. They look almost the same, and the details of the ensemble can be arranged as you like, the general view will not suffer.
Other things are in games with excess equipment tables, like World of Warcraft And Everquest 2. If you select the equipment according to the parameters, green boots and pink chain mail will easily be on our hero. But time passes, and, digging in the chest, the old-timers are already gently remembered by some nightmare pants obtained in the most difficult raid.
Many players kill old raid bosses over and over again to get a special thing – simply because it is beautiful. Or is very suitable for new pants. Pull it over your own – and here it is, happiness.
► Lineage 2 Classic. We argue that these clothes have provided part of the success of the old Lineage 2?
IN World of Warcraft There is no special laying of appearance, as in Everquest 2 or The Lord of the Rings Online. But there is a transmogrification: a way to transfer characteristics from another to the selected toilet item. And some of those who abandoned the game return only in order to get their hero new, especially impressive armor.
Wardrobe Fairy
How do developers go towards the desires of players, perfectly understanding how important the appearance of our heroes is for us?
IN The Secret World We choose shoes and gloves exclusively to taste, no reinforcements are attached to them. Complex instans and raids go here in order to get and strengthen “invisible” rings, bracelets and chains. Such freedom of self -expression goes well with the Bezurovnoy and non -class role system.
► SkyForge. All our robes are exclusively decorative.
Mail went along the same path.Ru c SkyForge, True, the assortment of outfits there is still scarce. It turned out in the original Albion Online. Wear anything, and give the necessary parameters to things with a craft business. Theoretically, this ensures a lot of variations in terms of combat characteristics. It remains to wait for the game in which we can choose the shape of the sleeve, the color of the buttons, the length of the lapels and the width of the leg.
► Tera. Heroines are born in a nice, but very modest robe.
But who is real dressing fairies is designers from Tera. From the first steps to the highest levels, you can grab and pull on any clothes – and all to one, in any combinations, will look wonderful. Even the most modest suit can be examined for a long time, surprised at the non -trivial approach to the cover and an abundance of subtle details. Luxurious embroidery “Richelieu”, voluminous applications, exquisite accessories-any heroine is not hesitated to go into such a podium of showing. And some even at high fashion festivals will not be lost.
However, it is not surprising that any outfits look amazing on slender castaces, elves and human women. But not by attention and men. Muscular castances are little inferior to associates in sophistication of outfits. Skinny elves are distinguished by hipster manners: you can see all sorts of T -shirts in a blast and pants, crawling from their hips. Male people are more conservative, for them the main thing is functionality. Well, in the local sense.
Even small tidy proper -struggle try not to lag behind fashion. Representatives of Aman and Barack Rasi are difficult: fatness and rather big paws are a serious challenge for a clothing designer. It would be possible to decide that they will be lost against the background of a crowd of charming heroines in fantasy costumes of high degree of frankness, each of which is a small design masterpiece. But not here. Artists use special techniques for all "non -humble" races, and the robes of Barack and Popori are perfectly thought out and richly dilapidated.
But not always an abundance of finishes – a sign of the serial work of the fashion designer. Exquisite elven are often dressed in dresses, looking like a piece of fabric in a pair of seats. However, sophisticated fashionistas will appreciate this deliberate unpretentiousness.
And we have not yet photographed costumes from gaming stores, which desperate lovers willingly spend their money to stand out from the crowd. Yes, the eastern gaming "couturiers" know a lot about how to wear (and undress) their heroines so that the eyes cannot be taken away from them.
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"Tell me what your character is dressed in, and I will tell you what game you play in". The desire of the players to provide their hero with the most advantageous appearance in various games. The creators respond in different ways. But this area of the game almost never bypasses anyone and does not leave indifferent.